Wednesday, July 23, 2008

192 member states of the United Nations

These are the buildings of the Secretariat, the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Trusteeship Council and the Economic and Social Council.

Jordan has been a member in the UN since Dec.14.1955.

The 192-member in the UN is Montenegro. On Jun.28. 2006, the General Assembly resolution A/RES/60/264 accepted it as a United Nations Member State.

Moreover, there are two permanent observers in the United Nations that are the Holy See and Palestine. Both of them have received a standing invitation from the UN to participate in the sessions and the work of the General Assembly.

In addition to the various intergovernmental organizations that enjoy the status of observers such as the League of Arab states, Organization of the Islamic Conference, European Community, African Union and many others.


life said...

My comment has nothing to do with the main theme of my blog.

When I was writing this page. The house was literally in FIRE. I forgot the teapot boiling for 45 minutes. I wanted to have a nice cup of tea because I am off today.

So I guess you can picture the situation. The White smoke was everywhere in my apartment, and I was running like a crazy cow to control the situation.

I have had a cold so I did not smell. But in my best days I do not smell as well.

Can you recommend me a doctor?

In addition, my fire alarm did not work. I better have a serious talk with the management office in my building.


Chinese&Chosen said...

Hi Life,
I love this post so much. It reminds me of high school when I was in Model United Nations. Our club was actually pretty strong and we were sent to China to compete with other high schools. My favorite committees were always human rights and ASEAN.

Now that I think about it, being part of MUN was a really great learning experience for a high schooler. We were encouraged to do a lot of research prior to our competition, speak in front of a large group and make valid arguments in caucus. It's also great that our team got to travel to China and other states in the U.S. because I met so many interesting people. I'm so impress with the work that you do and I hope you will continue to share your stories with our class.

life said...

Hey solo diner,

Thanks for your words. Soon I will post stories related to my real work as a diplomat in the UN and how I feel living here in NYC. It is very tough to be a single woman from the Middle East. It is really lonely here though. I look so cheerful and happy but at the end of the day there is something missing and this is what I will touch upon in my next stories. I guess it will more of a personal as well.